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Netflix Hangover (**Bonus Show)

If you want to destroy your writing career then pour yourself a tall glass of soda, a large bowl of cheetos, turn  your remote to Netflix and binge on your favorite show.

S4 Episode 4, Mirco Episode

I’m sure Netflix doesn’t mind you abandoning your manuscript, your potential bestseller in exchange for movie stars. 

Go ahead and donate your $12 per month to add to these celebrities bank account  I’m sure they’re grateful for your sacrifice. Your potential bestseller can wait but the new season of Stranger Things can’t wait. 

So enjoy yourself, curl up in your warm blanket and throw away the clock. Maybe tomorrow you can dust off your manuscript and jog your memory of where you left off.

You may have to deal with the  guilt of  over indulging on your Netflix fling, but you made your choices no need crying about it. No one forced you to stay up to four in the morning. That was your decision.

Netflix was more important than your manuscript, go on admit it. This is a safe place like a confessional booth so you can speak the truth, no sense living a lie. 

If you want to rid yourself of the Netflix hangover then decide which one is better, writing your novel or binging on Netflix.

Thank you to Tiffany C Lewis, her new podcast, Beta Reader Bits is out out.

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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Better Stronger Faster

What if your dreams became a trilogy?

Season 4, Episode 3 (Earthling Spotlight Interview)

Aliya survived a horrific car crash. She was rescued and remade by an alien race, given supernatural abilities and recruited into the Protective Forces to fight against a threat to the galaxy. This plot sounds like the next Marvel movie and I’m sure if Marvel buys the rights they would make a killing.

My guest for the Earthling Spotlight is Danielle Novotny and the above synopsis is from her book Remade. Danielle is one of my favorite authors and it was an honour to have her on my show. Please check out the Remade series and follow her on Twitter.

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling Credits are read by Shawntay from 

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthling on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block. If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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1 800 Life Coach

I hit rock bottom, life was slapping me in the face. I called 1800 life coach and that’s when things turned around, but maybe not for the better. You decide.

Season 4, Episode 2

This story was inspired by my years spent in an unusual church. From the outside it looked like any other  Protestant evangelistic church. 

We sang worship songs, had Bible study groups and Christmas presentations. It was everything you think a typical church should be. Bonus points: it was also multicultural.

But beyond the warm smiles and ethnic meals there was a controlling element.You were forbidden to date or marry outside of the group and your “personal time” was scrutinized. Each member was assigned a personal “coach” to guide them spiritually.

It wasn’t just a good idea to listen to your coach, you had to listen to your coach. Accountability is good It keeps earthlings in line so we don’t do stupid things. This church took accountability to an unhealthy level.

If you have similar experiences I would like to hear from you. For me I’m still in recovery even though I left this group a few years ago.

Special thanks to Emily Inkpen who played the Life Coach executive, please follow the links and check out her books and audio presentations. Thanks again Emily.

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling 

Credits are read by Shawntay from 

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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Life Replica

The host of this podcast died in the Season 3 finale, his wife reflects on his history and the desperate attempt to bring him back to life. 

Season 4, Episode 1

People throughout the centuries have tried to find the fountain of youth, the secret to longevity and the answer to immortality. 

Longevity can be attained by avoiding certain foods, Illegal drugs, and risky  professions such as Nascar racing. You can live in an iron bubble without stepping outside. But who wants to do that?

However, Immortality is impossible. We as earthlings have tried and failed miserably. But now there is hope. Thanks to Google, Amazon, Jericho Labs and other high tech cloud services your  consciousness could live on forever. Sounds cool?

Some people are horrified with the possibility that their mind could be uploaded into a computer or Life Replica. They feel the dead should rest in peace and not linger on a digital cloud. Probably they’re right.

You’ve heard the term, “gone too soon.”

Wouldn’t it be incredible to preserve the  consciousness of leading thinkers. Say for instance if Einstein,  Beethoven, MLK, Apostle Paul lived on. We can continue to learn from these great earthlings as their theories, music, science and social causes develop.  Not convinced? I’m not trying to  persuade you. This is merely a thought experiment. 

This episode was narrated by Tiffany C Lewis, she’s an author and business owner of Rebel Lit.

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling. Credits are read by Shawntay from 

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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Murder Within The Colour Wheel (Encore)

A utopian city made out of colours is devastated by a homicide. Is diversity a blessing or a curse?

Season 4 is just around the corner with new original stories you can’t get out of your head.

I’m on a mission to break down barriers and find the connected thread. If you believe the world is divided and tribal then join me. I don’t believe in so called “safe places” these places tend to shield us from other groups.

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Changing Scenery

Behind the glistening snow lie something tragic. A family’s strange disappearance, three potential murders, and a life prison sentence all await on the outside. So what do these two scenes have in common? Make sure you tune in to find out!

This is a special bonus*** episode, written by Brent Stark and taken from his podcast Most Precious Commodity. I have produced a couple of seasons of his show including this episode.

Special thanks to the Head Instigator Timothy Kimo Brien from Create Art Podcast and the british sensation Emily Inkpen.

If you want your podcast professionally edited with music and effects send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling or on my website

Brand new season starts in early 2022

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What happens when a man dressed in black  interrupts my family dinner and destroys the season finale.

Season 3, Episode 12

Yes My fellow earthlings this is the season 3 finale. Little bit of a spoiler, it didn’t go as planned. I wanted to leave you with something thoughtful, inspiring and even spiritual. I owe it to you since you’ve been listening since day 1. 

However, as they always say, plan for the unexpected. Unfortunately I didn’t do that.

In my defence I was struggling with how to conclude this season. Everything I wrote was crap. I started one story just to run into plot holes and roadblocks. Also my dear sweet family was coming over from Jamaica. Great! 

Not because I don’t love my family but this gives me even less time to work on a finale.

That wasn’t the worst part. A man dressed in black sat nearby, no one invited him and no one could see him but me. The rest of the story you have to listen to and draw your own conclusions.

Thank you to the following earthlings who contributed to this season.

Emily Inkpin at

Jennifer Willis 

Alex from Time For Your Hobby Podcast 

Timothy Brien from Create Art Podcast

Tiffany C Lewis from

The Storyteller Graffiti Bleu

Shawntay from 

Subscribe or Follow Poetic Earthlings at the following

Apple Podcast

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Please buy me a coffee to show your love for the show

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Life, Death and Other Distractions

Jeff’s lifeless body is wheeled back and forth from the office.The first potential head transplant makes the news. Perhaps my colleague could leave his wheelchair behind but is this just a distraction?

Season 3, Episode 11

Most of us are distracted with the nonessentials. We worry ourselves to death about trivial things. We live in a world of distractions and as technology increases by the millisecond are attention divides.

Youtube and Twitter are the template of attention deficit. These short messages and videos are easily consumed in a couple of minutes. Shorter videos and tweets generate more likes and reshares. Longer messages are ignored. 

If you want to go viral it has to be short.

Back in my days and I’m not that old, people’s attention span was wider. We could read an in depth article without getting distracted by stupid cat videos.

But we crave distractions because it keeps us from asking profound questions, such as the meaning and purpose of life and what happens after we die. 

These are uncomfortable questions, we’ll rather talk about the latest Marvel movie or political scandals, but these are the most important questions.

When we investigate and answer these questions life itself will be more rewarding and beautiful.  

Poetic Earthlings Studio

If you’re thinking about starting a podcast but dread the idea of editing and sound design then I could help you. We could have a free 30 minute zoom chat to see if my services are right for you, we have to be a perfect match. There’s no tricky sales tactic and zero pressure. Reach out to me on in the contact section.

Special Thanks to

Tiffany C Lewis, please discover all of her books at (

Brent Stark, his podcast is Most Precious Commodity 

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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