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Welcome To Earth Stories Posts

Silver Clock Mystery

A silver clock kept ticking for over a century without ever needing to be wound. This episode explores the mysterious tale of such a clock and the extraordinary life of its owner, who lived to the unbelievable age of 145.

Could there be a connection between the perpetually ticking clock and the man’s incredible longevity?

Was it a mere coincidence, or did this unusual object hold a deeper secret? Tune in to delve into this thought-provoking story.

If you’re intrigued by this exploration, you can buy us a coffee at

Also visit for more beautiful and uncanny stories

And visit me on X @poeticearthling

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Perfect Man

What if your creation came to life, and then became jealous of your other art?

This week’s episode tells the story of an artist who paints her ideal man, only to have him emerge from the canvas, observe her life, and become consumed by his feelings for her. How far will he go to prove his love for his creator?

Listen to find out why the perfect man became so desperate and how his actions changed the artist’s life forever. What happens when your art becomes more real than you ever imagined? Is the perfect man doomed to live only within his frame?

SpeakPipe: and leave your name, your town or city, and a random word, and I’ll mention you on the show. This all leads to a freestyle story later this year

King B’s Please give what you can

Also to give back to the show please buy me a coffee at

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My Dog Is Dead, Now What?

Ever wonder what happens when we lose a beloved furry companion?

This episode dives into that very question. It’s a raw, freestyle story that came straight from the top of my head, about an old man I see at my security job. He recently lost his old dog, his faithful partner, and he’s now grappling with some profound questions. Do animals have souls? What does it mean to truly be loyal? This man believes his dog had more soul than many people he knows.

This story made me think, how do we find our way after loss? What makes a friendship truly special? It’s a very different kind of story than you hear on my other show, a bit more introspective. Speaking of my other show…

Want to be part of a special episode of Welcome to Earth Stories? Go to and leave your name, city, and a random word. I’ll make a story out of it.

And don’t forget to check out Graffiti Blue’s upcoming new album. You can find a link to his website at

Also you can give back to the show by buying me a coffee at Thank you in advance.

Lights out, and sweet dreams. This show is for the nocturnal creatures, so pass it along to the others who stay up late.

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Fatman Red Suit (Remix)

Ever wondered what happens when a Jamaican wins a trip to the North Pole?

Buckle up for a frosty adventure! In this special Christmas episode, I recount my unexpected journey from a radio contest winner to a survivor of a polar plane crash.

You’ll hear about my family’s hilarious reactions, an encounter with jolly old St. Nick himself, and how I narrowly escaped becoming a human popsicle.

 It’s a tale of holiday magic, cultural clashes, and why sometimes it’s okay to embrace the unexpected – even if it means hugging Santa Claus for dear life.

Brand new season in 2025.

Thank you for making this little podcast grow all around the globe.

To continue to spread the love please buy your brother a cup of coffee at

You can listen to all my previous stories at and visit me on Twitter/X @poeticearthling 

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Mighty Flint

Is the Truth Out There? Or is it Just Toxic?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to step into the mind of a conspiracy theorist? Well, Jill from The Afterparty can tell you all about it! She recently had a close encounter with Caspian Flint, the host of Red Flags, Bright Lights – and let’s just say he’s not winning any congeniality awards.

Flint is what you might call… intense. He’s got a studio decked out with a fireplace and candles, but he also offers guests a cocktail of scotch, uppers, downers, and mushrooms! And his interview style? Think less “gentle probing” and more “aggressive interrogation”, with plenty of personal jabs and innuendos thrown in for good measure.

But toxic personality aside, Flint does bring up some fascinating points. Jill discussed some intriguing topics with him, including those strange phone calls, alternate universes, and that mysterious backwards book. Could these things be connected to Season 7 of Welcome to Earth Stories?  And what exactly is Flint looking for through those binoculars?

Join me as we explore the fringes of reality. Just try to avoid any strange vitamins or unsolicited relationship advice along the way…

Please follow Welcome To Earth Stories After Party on X @ESafterparty and follow them on Spotify.

Also, follow me on X @poeticearthling and buy me a coffee at

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Mirror Universe

What happens when your reality is turned upside down?

Join Jill and Josh as they try to make sense of a mind-blowing phone call that has left Jill questioning everything she thought she knew. Is it a prank, an elaborate AI hoax, or something far stranger?

This episode welcomes Dr. Cuban, a leading expert in human voice analysis, and Professor Hoffman, a controversial astrophysicist and author of the upcoming book “Mirror Universe: The Search for Absolute Reality”. They’ll examine the mysterious voice recording and discuss its possible connection to a real-world backwards book and the shocking revelations from Welcome to Earth Stories. Could there be a connection between a dying Earth, a hidden civilization, and a cryptic experiment?

Is everything truly as it seems? Tune in to find out!

For even more explorations into the unknown, check out the spinoff show, “Experimental Stories”.

And continue to give back to the adventure by buying me a coffee at

Also check out Timothy’s podcast, Create Art Podcast

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This Podcast Does Not Exist

Are We Living in a Simulation?

Have you ever wondered if your life is just a giant video game? This week, Josh and Jill explore the idea of simulated universes inspired by a recent episode of “Welcome to Earth Stories.” They break down the episode “This Person Does Not Exist,” where a scientist creates an AI companion that turns out to be more real than he is.

Is it possible that we are all just part of a giant experiment? The hosts examine the concept of “observable universes” and consider whether an advanced civilization could be manipulating our reality. They also discuss the possibility of multiple versions of ourselves, drawing parallels between the episode’s themes and listener experiences with doppelganger phone calls.

Tune in to the “Welcome to Earth Stories Afterparty” for a mind-bending discussion about the nature of reality and the potential for simulated worlds. Are you ready to question everything you thought you knew?

To get a hold of Josh and Jill and to remind them that this is just a fictional story, you can reach them on Twitter/X @ESafterparty and follow and subscribe to their show. Welcome to earth stories after party is also available on Spotify and Apple.

You can reach me on Twitter/X @Poeticearthling and on

To help a brother out you can give back to the show by buying me a coffee at

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She Doesn’t Exist

Where reality and artificial intelligence blur, I found myself entangled in a love story that defied the laws of existence.

Meet April, a captivating woman who seems to have stepped right out of my imagination, but as our connection deepens, I begin to question the very fabric of her being. Is she a figment of my creation, or does she possess a reality of her own?

As I navigate the complexities of our relationship, strange occurrences hint at a darker truth lurking beneath the surface. Join me on this journey where love, technology, and existential dilemmas collide, leaving us to ponder: what does it truly mean to exist?

This is a remix episode, the original title is, This person does not exist.

This episode features Brent Stark, author of Most Percious Commodity, and Patrice.

Please help a brother out and buy me a coffee at

You can also follow and DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling or on

Also, special thanks to Shawntay, from for the show credits

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Going Loopy

What if your entire life was just a cosmic experiment?

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in an endless loop, repeating the same mundane routines day after day? In this chilling episode of Welcome to Earth Stories after party, Jill and Josh dive into the unsettling tale of Dion, a late-night radio DJ who receives a call that shatters his perception of reality. 

I’ve always been fascinated by the thin line between reality and illusion. But what if that line doesn’t exist at all? What if we’re all just pawns in some grand cosmic game?

To listen to the full episode of Cosmic Looper click here. Josh and Jill did a great job reviewing the episode but you need to listen to the entire story to understand it better.

Join me as we explore the mind-bending concept of simulated existence and question the very nature of free will. Are we truly in control of our lives, or are we dancing to the tune of an unseen puppeteer? 

Please follow Josh and Jill on Twitter/X @ESafterparty and follow their show on Spotify or Apple.

The next episode they plan on reviewing is, This person does not exist, please click on the link and it will take you directly to the show for you to hear it.

You can follow me on Twitter at @poeitcearthling or leave a message at

To give back to the show please buy me a coffee at

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Time Traveler Dilemma

A theoretical physicist named Edward inadvertently creates a time machine and uses it to try to find a lost birthday present. However, each attempt to go back in time to find the present creates a new version of himself, leading to a chaotic scenario with multiple Edwards trying to locate the gift while avoiding paradoxes.

The story uses humor and absurdity to explore the potential consequences of time travel and the complexities of altering one’s own past.
Rich is a master storyteller and friend of the show. He’s also an award-winning podcaster.

Please check out all things Bedtime Stories for insomniacs and all of his books. Also, follow him on Twitter/X @RichHosek.

To show your love please buy me a coffee at

And visit me on Twitter @poeticearthling or on

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