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Category: Episodes

Jessica Files (Bonus EP)

Interview with Jessica Berson and my Special announcement.

Season 6, bonus episode

There’s some people who have the Midas touch, they’re hard to find but if you can find them they’ll change your life.

Jessica Berson is a writer, voice actor, producer and an inspiring earthling. She’s also the creator of Echoes in-between and her new show Regina Prime.

You have heard her on previous episodes of my show such as the Raven Queen. We had a great time talking about her creative process and what motivates her as a content creator.

Also, we talked about the breakup of Echoes in-between and how she  persevered. Stick around close to the end for the big announcement about the show.

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Podcast Editing

Are you thinking about creating a podcast and you need help with the editing process?

Poetic Earthlings studio can help, DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling

Music For this episode

Serpentine by Winnie The Moog

Free download: License (CC BY 4.0):

Saschas Things by Sascha Ende

Free download: (CC BY 4.0):

All other music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Murphy’s Law

He had one eye, a broken leg and a face only a mother can love. How could Murphy fight against the odds to save someone’s soul?

Season 6, Episode 7

Most of us are not born with a silver spoon in our mouth. We have to work hard and push through the pain to make something of ourselves. We can walk around feeling sorry for ourselves and make thousands of excuses or we can man up and put our shoulders to the wheel.

Playing the victim is the most popular game. All you have to do is blame someone else for your predicament. This victim mentality is lucrative on social media as everyone is fighting for space in the LGBTQ+ alphabet, or the neurodiversity spectrum.

Working though pain and struggling to climb the mountain is now considered passé.

Our forefathers that dug through the earth and created modernity is viewed as Neanderthals. In our arrogance and sense of entitlement we have given birth to a generation of navel gazers.

Murphy’s law teaches us that we don’t have to play the victim card, we may have had a rough start but we can end victoriously.

Written and produced by York Campbell.

Orbit was performed by Timothy from Create Art Podcast

and Dakota was performed Shawntay from

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Thank you for spreading the word about our show and for giving back financially.

If you haven’t you can buy the show a virtual coffee at

Podcast Editing

Are you thinking about creating a podcast and you need help with the editing process?

Poetic Earthlings studio can help, DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling

Music For this episode

Licensed under Epidemic Sound

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You Shot Me, Deep Dive

If you hated the last episode, you won’t like this one.

Season 6, Ep6 deep dive

This statement may seem extreme and over the top and you’re probably right.Besides, how can a fictitious tale provoke hatred?

However hatred and cancellation prizes are being dished out to writers and other content creators.

Because of this many writers surrender their firebrand content for something more palatable and socially inclusive.

Content is mass produced, prepackaged and full of preservatives to attract a wide audience.

The end result is a viable product that checks all the boxes and doesn’t offend people in protective groups.

Disney is the Queen of producing non offensive, predictable, market tested movies and shows.I’m not hating on Disney since I’m drinking the Mandalorian koolaid.

I respect the extremists and those who swim against the stream. Even though they’re not as marketable and digestive because their stories tip over sacred cows.

We need more cow tippers, more defiant voices that paint outside of the line.

The original title of this story is Singed, Sealed, Delivered, You Shot Me.

Follow me on Twitter @poeticearthling

Please give back to the show at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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You Shot Me

To investigate the murder he must retrace the steps, but when it’s his own murder everything becomes fuzzy.

Season 6, Episode 6

This episode contains scenes of domestic violence listener discretion is advised.

Creating a dark supernatural tale about domestic violence wasn’t my intention when I committed pen to paper, rather this story was birthed out of ad-lib performance on Clubhouse. Because of the positive response I converted this into an audio story.

The characters and plot is a work of fiction, it’s not meant to sensationalize domestic violence.

If you listen closely to this story you’ll understand, also it takes an unexpected turn at the end.

You can reach out to me on Twitter @Poeticearthling

Previous episodes is on

Give Back

Thank you for spreading the word about our show and for giving back financially.

If you haven’t you can buy the show a virtual coffee at

Podcast Editing

Are you thinking about creating a podcast and you need help with the editing process?

Poetic Earthlings studio can help, DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling

Music For this episode

Epidemic Sound

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Raven Queen, Deep Dive

When your life and faith is turned upside-down, and you feel your trapped inside of a cage there’s still hope.

Season 6

Raven Queen is written by N.V. Devlin. go back one episode to listen

Produced by York Campbell from Poetic Earthlings Studio.

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Thank you for spreading the word about our show and for giving back financially.

If you haven’t you can buy the show a virtual coffee at

Podcast Editing

Are you thinking about creating a podcast and you need help with the editing process?

Poetic Earthlings studio can help, DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling

Music by Epidemic Sound

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Raven Queen

If you prick us do we not bleed, and if you wrong us shall we not avenge?

Season 6, Episode 5

Your probably familiar with the phrase, revenge is a dish best served cold.

This means exacting revenge on a later date is more rewarding than an immediate response.

Written by N.V Devlin and produced by York Campbell. The Raven Queen herself was voiced by Jessica Berson.

Special thanks to my wife who played one of the haunting whispers.

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Thank you for spreading the word about our show and for giving back financially.

If you haven’t you can buy the show a virtual coffee at

Podcast Editing

Are you thinking about creating a podcast and you need help with the editing process?

Poetic Earthlings studio can help, DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling

Music For this episode

Lost In The Dark by Steven OBrien

Free download:

License (CC BY 4.0):

Creepy Piano Ambience by Tim Kulig

Free download:

License (CC BY 4.0):

A Sad Toy Story by Sascha Ende

Free download:

License (CC BY 4.0):

All other music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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B.S. Detector, Deep Dive

Season 6

Give Back

Thank you for spreading the word about our show and for giving back financially.

If you haven’t you can buy the show a virtual coffee at

Podcast Editing

Are you thinking about creating a podcast and you need help with the editing process?

Poetic Earthlings studio can help, DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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B.S. Detector

I was interviewed on the BS Detector, it started well until things got really strange.

Season 6, Episode 4

Give Back

Thank you for spreading the word about our show and for giving back financially. If you haven’t you can buy the show a virtual coffee at

Podcast Editing

Are you thinking about creating a podcast and you need help with the editing process? Poetic Earthlings studio can help, DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling

All music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Killing Spree

To reach the next level you must stay alive, aim, and fire.

Season 6, Micro Episode 3.5

These days it looks like the youth are getting away with murder, yikes that sentence makes me sound like an old man.

The new form of parenting in the West is the buddy system. This means to speak their lingo and relate to them like peers. A stern hand and swift justice is viewed as insensitive and draconian. Rather than punishment we opt for multiple chances.

I admit the old school style of parenting has its flaws. It could be too militant and less tolerant. This method has the potential to hinder your child’s freedom of expression.

But let’s be real, our children are not our peers and they shouldn’t be our buddies.


I know this flies in the face of our current culture where we hand the keys of the city over to our children and let them run amok.

Parents’ job is to lay down the law and make sure our children are compliant, not because we are fascist dictators, at least most of us are not, but because we know better.

A parent and a friend are two different things, when we are fuzzy and confused about the difference it hurts their development.

They need a healthy fear of authority that’s where parents come in, without that healthy fear they could easily drift. Look around you, turn on the news and see where this modern day ‘parent buddy system’ has taken us. Children have lost all sense of direction because parents have tapped out of their moral responsibility.

Children and youths can’t figure out life on their own, they barely know themselves. It is the role of parents to step in and be that moral compass they desperately need.

Written and produced by York Campbell

To give back to the show please buy me a coffee at

Music for this episode is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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