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Welcome To Earth Stories Posts

He Said, She Said

Jill and Josh breaks down, Must be the Whiskey. However tempers flair between our hosts.

Season 7, Episode 9

Thank you to Jill and Josh from Welcome to earth stories after party. Their podcast is normally two hours long what your hearing is an abbreviated and edited version.

To give back please buy me a coffee at

You can also follow me on Twitter/X @Poeticearthling

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Must Be The Whiskey

Is this the Principle Reality or are we living in a fabrication?

Season 7, Episode 8

Amber and Tim merge with the Googol-cube and discover the truth of their existence.

Starring Timothy Kemo Brien as Tim and Karin Heimdahl who played Amber.

Cameo appearance by Emily Inkpen from the Dex Legacy Series, who played the waitress. 

You can visit me on twitter/X @Poeticearthling

Thank you to the lady with the golden voice,  Shawntay from 

To give back to the show please buy me a coffee at

Music for this episode is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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How Awkward

The after party show breaks down enter the sandstorm however Jill and Josh reveals some embarrassing details about their relationship.

Season 7, Episode 7

I’m not a fan of gossip and hearing couples trash talk each other. We as the human race love to hear the latest dirt in peoples lives and consume every second of a celebrities fall from grace. This is a mostly female trait, they are the ones who watch soap operas and read juicy tabloids online. By the way, is soap operas still popular?

When I heard Jill and Josh derail the episode to talk about their failed relationship this got my attention. Entertaining as it is this is not the right place.

Welcome to earth stories after party is a two hour podcast, thankfully I edited down to eleven minutes.

To give back to Welcome To Earth Stories you can buy me a coffee at

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Enter The Sandstorm

To understand the Apeiron Realm your intrepid host goes to the main source.  

Season 7, Episode 6

I spoke with the well-renowned author Victor Sandstorm at Happy Trails mental asylum. Mr Sandstorm believed his villainous characters came to life, and it was up to him to put them down.

We both experienced the same phenomenon, a massive googol-cube courtesy of the Apeiron Realm. However, is all of this a fabricated conspiracy or is my mind playing tricks on me?

Below is Happy Trails Mental Asylum in Toronto Canada

Special thanks to King B who played Victor Sandstorm. 

This is King’s first appearance on our show and I’m grateful for his many talents in acting, writing and directing movies. For all things related to King B please visit

Also starring Arjun from Deep Into History and Emily Inkpen from Dex Legacy Series.

Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice Shawntay from

Below is the recepionist at Happy Trails

Thank you for buying me a coffee at 

Music is liscened under Epidemic Sound

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After Party (Bonus Episode)

Criticism can either make you or break you, but sometimes it goes too far.

Season 7, Episode 5

I was listening to a fan podcast of Welcome To Earth Stories. They break down each episode and deliver the glitter and the dirt.

The hosts, Josh and Jill, made some valid points, even though I think they’re wrong. 

Please let me know your thoughts, you could send me a DM on Twitter/X @poeticearthling 

Also thank you for supporting the show at 

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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Man Behind The Curtains

Are Tim and Amber mere characters in a fictional world?
We’re going to climb over the fourth wall and peek behind the curtains.
We’re also revisiting Mr Fetter as we blur the lines between realities.

Season 7, Episode 4

Thank you to the talented cast who brought these characters to life. Even though they were already alive in my head, but that’s all semantics.

Timothy Kimo Brien played himself again. I know what a stretch. Please check out his show at createartpodcast.Com 

Amber was performed by Karin from Chaika podcast. 

Mr Fetter, our devious villain,  was performed by Leo Allen. 

Brent Stark was played by himself, again not much of a stretch. Brent Also has a podcast called Most Precious Commodity, produced by yours truly. 

Valrica, who played my wife in the story also plays my wife in real life. That sentence sounds weird.

Last but not least is Lieutenant Phoenix, he was voiced by Chris. Since almost everyone has a podcast, so does Chris. He’s the host of Podtastic Audio.

Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from

To give back to the show please buy me a coffee at

Music for this project is licensed under Epidemic Sound.

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Money Is Thicker Than Blood

The Family drama heats up as a massive cube arrives on the outskirts of Toronto. Will Amber and Tim survive the family feud, much less the cube?

Season 7, episode 3

Starring Timothy from Create Art Podcast Also starring Karin from Chaika.

Featuring Tiffany C. Lewis from Rebellion Lit and Graffiti Bleu, For all things Graffiti including his Youtube channel he’s at

Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay. You can follow her at

Please give back to the show by buying me a coffee at

Music is available on Epidemic Sound

Amber’s deranged father

Amber’s hystrical mother

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Omega Take Me Home

Did Amber kill Tim? This question and others will be revealed as we venture outside Zenith city, and if you think your family is dysfunctional you haven’t seen nothing yet.

Season 7, Episode 2

Prepare yourself for a sexy AI, unbelievable car chases and an upside down reality as we discover how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Starring the “real” Timothy from create art podcast, but then again what is “real?” Perhaps Timothy is an artificial representation of the real Tim. I’ll let you decide.

Also starring Karin from Chaika podcast, if you like my show then you’ll love Chaika.

(Dashboard of Omega)

Featuring Tiffany C. Lewis from Rebellion Lit and also the storyteller himself Graffiti Bleu 

I realize this is a new format from the last seasons. Change could be difficult and uncomfortable but I thank you for persevering with my show and for telling a friend.

To give back to the show please buy me a coffee at

And to find out what I’m doing when I’m not on the microphone you could follow me on Twitter/X @poeticearthling

Music for this episode is licensed under Epedmic Sound

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Killing Tim

To be free from control a sacrifice was required, but does Amber have the nerve to squeeze the trigger. 

Season 7, Episode 1

I’m afraid that anything I say about this episode and Season 7 will spoil it for you. I can’t stand spoilers. If you are a smart alec, you may think the title of this episode is already a big spoiler, but trust me it’s not.

The best way to listen to this episode is in a quiet place with your headphones on. We live in a landscape of distractions, everything is fighting for our attention. Insight and wisdom is lost for the sake of another mindless tik tok video. 

The beauty of a sunrise is forgotten because we can swipe right to see thousands of others. I’m not equating this story to the wisdom of Solomon or a beautiful sunrise, or probably I am. All I want is your attention not only for my benefit but for yours. 

Apeiron Realm is a nine part series that delves into  existentialism. Don’t worry we’re not going to get lost in the weeds but it does require a clear mind. Even though I wrote this story, I’m also a student. I don’t have all the answers so I’m learning just like you. 

A project of this scale takes time and resources to produce. To give back please buy me a coffee at 

Thank you to Tim, the real Tim who played himself in this episode. His show is called Create Art Podcast.

Also starring Karin from Chaika please listen and subscribe to her show. 

Our resident villain, Mr Fetter, is performed by Leo Allen

Please listen and subscribe to my spinoff show, Experimental Stories

Music created by Epidemic Sound 

Mr. Fetter being interviewed on the BS Detector

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