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You Can Call Me The Collector

Urban legend speaks of a man dressed in a black pinstripe suit, gold pocket watch and a fedora. He appears when you least expect him, and he collects what you desperately try to keep.

Season 3, Episode 10 

The Collector goes by different names depending on your culture. I have investigated him for the past couple of years and collected, excuse the pun, many stories from around the world.

Some claim he’s a negative spirit sent from the Underworld, others claim he’s an agent of the Divine Order.

I have mentioned him in an earlier episode and you will hear from him again in the season finale.

The Collector is not a hero or a villain he’s just like us at the same time he’s way different than us. I know that sounds confusing but hang in there.

If you’re still confused after this episode you can DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling also if you have more theories about this supernatural being I will like to hear from you.

Poetic Earthlings Studio is finally open

If you’re thinking about starting a podcast but have no time to edit, sound design and produce it then I could help. We could have a free 30 minute Zoom chat to see if my services will work for you. DM on twitter or on the contact page on my website, 

Music for this episode is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

Special Thanks to Tiffany C Lewis and Tim Hardie from the UK

To support the show please buy me a coffee at

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Beast Within

There is a beast living inside of us, it could either be a source of strength or destruction.

Season 3, Episode 9
Earthling Spotlight

My special guest is Gordon D Lanyon he is the author of The God Hunters, his debut science fiction novel. We talked about character development, world building and the pros and cons of self-publishing.

The God Hunters is also available as an audiobook. I’m a really slow reader so thank goodness for the audiobook.

Gord is a retired English teacher that now lives in beautiful Victoria BC.
Upon his retirement after 35 years of teaching he got to work and wrote his first book.
The God Hunter is an action pack mental joyride.

Something Wild, Something Wicked is his second upcoming book within the Hunter Series. Gord is looking for beta readers if your interested you’ll get a free copy of his second book and your name will be included in the acknowledgment section.

Gord’s Twitter handle is @glanyon56

Special Announcement

Poetic Earthlings Studio is officially open.
If your a writer thinking about starting your own podcast then I could help.
Podcasting is easy but to make it sound great takes time and skill. I could audio edit and create a sound design that will compliment your content.
Just like every book needs an editor, every podcast needs an audio editor.

Reach me on within the contact page or send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling. We could set up a free 30 minute Zoom chat to see how we can work together.

Music for this episode is licensed under Epidemic Sound

Extra Special Thanks to my son Elijah

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Connected Dots

Some events in our lives seem random like unconnected dots, when we look closer we see the threads.

Season 3 Episode 8

If there’s no purpose in life than the pursuit of one’s pleasure then the human experience will have no meaning.

True meaninglessness is to inhabit a universe without strings. To exist as a singular organism detached and independent.

Some may call this liberation to live without attachments, to answer to no one, to be your own god.

Detachment and radical independence creates loneliness. “Man is not made to be alone.”

Like it or not are actions creates a ripple effect, and other people’s actions impacts us.
We are influenced for good or bad.

There is also Cosmic Domino Effect where one action creates a chain reaction. Cosmic Domino Effects are difficult to escape, but not all of them end poorly.


You can DM on Twitter @poeticearthlings or on


Please continue to support the show on

Music for this episode is licensed under Epidemic Sound.

For your first month free of podcasting please visit and enter the promotional code First Earthling

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Tom Cruise VS Jesus

The Hollywood Superstar or the Chosen One, who will you choose.

S3 Episode 7

Jesus has been misunderstood, misscategorized and maligned.
He’s the most famous man to ever walk the Earth. His teachings and way of life is both magnetizing and polarizing.

He was born a rebel, lived as a revolutionist and died as a martyr.
His followers called him the Lamb of God, the Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Chosen One.

Times have changed and has given birth to Hollywood and Social Media. Historical figures with rough edges and uncomfortable features are chiseled, repackaged and relabled.

To appeal to a broader demographic Jesus had to change. His radical ideas and unbending dogma needed to give way to progressive enlightenment.
Sin, damnation and the cross needed to be replaced.

With slow strategic and precise measures a new Jesus emerged from the factory. This version is passive, tame and a bit of a hippie with long blonde hair and creamy blue eyes.

By toning down his message and converting him into a self help guru he appeals to the everyday Walmart Shopper.

Not wanting to feel left out many churches ditched the biblical Jesus for version 2.0. Such a gamble paid off as Mega Churches blossomed across America.

The historical/biblical Jesus is still out there in the desert telling mankind to repent. It’s harder to find him with Netflix, YouTube and thousands of distractions.

If you search for the real Jesus you may not like him. He’s not going to tickle your ear and call you his special snowflake.
He’s not going to overlook your sins and give you a pat on the back. Too bad.
So be careful what you search for.


Thank you once again for your financial support. You can give monthly or per episode by buying me a coffee at


All music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Rebel Leader

Don’t you wish you can defy the norms and rebel against the system. Our special guest Tiffany C Lewis shows us the way.

Earthling Spotlight, ** Bonus Episode
S3, Ep 6

Have you read a book you couldn’t put down? Tiffany’s recent short story book, Helpless is one of those. This book is comprised of eight stories from all different genres. Romance, Paranormal, Science fiction, adventure, horror, crime fiction.

We dive deep into her writing process, her self will and determination to give birth to relatable characters.

If your a struggling writer and you need someone to walk you through the peaks and valleys then look no further.

Tiffany is the author of six books and has been published more than a dozen times in anthologies and magazines.

She is also a publisher at Rebellion LIT who works tirelessly to support other authors looking to bring their art to the world.

She resides in Sacramento, CA with her family and Miniature Pinscher.

Special Thanks

When your not listening to Poetic Earthlings please check out Most Precious Commodity, with host and writer Brent Stark.


Please continue to spread the word about this show. You could also give financially on

Music for this bonus episode is licensed under Epidemic Sound.

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Jimmy’s Abduction

A certified bigot, an uncanny heist and the coming apocalypse. Humanity hangs in the balance of a simple farmer who pays his taxes and keeps his head down. The clock is ticking, is it too late.

S3 Ep 5

The universe is too vast for us to be the only intelligent liform, you may disagree. I’m not here to convert you, or convince you of strange green men from the distant realms. To be honest, I have my doubts.

If there is alien life somewhere in the distant stars I bet it will look different, way different from Hollywood’s interpretation.

Special Thanks

Jimmy was performed by Timothy Kimo Brien from Create Art Podcast please visit his website and check out his books. Thanks Tim.


Continuing to spread the word about this show, also you can give financially through

If your thinking about podcasting you can try it free for one month at and enter the promotional code, first earthling.

All music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Replacement Wife

My wife was replaced by Celeste, She was similar to her in many ways but in other ways more deadly.

S3 Ep 4

Special Performance

Thank you to Alex from the Time For Your Hobby podcast. This is his first time in an audio drama and I hope it’s not his last.
I was also a guest on his so I guess us Canadians’ have to stick together.

Thank you also to Shawantay from the Call To Action Podcast. She was the voice of Celeste. She is also the author of an audio book, QR Codes for beginners, you could purchase your copy on


All the funky grooves is from Szymalix at
This guy is a genius please check him out and buy his music.


Thank you for spreading this podcast to your friends and family I really appreciate it.
Also, thank you for buying me a coffee at
Every dollar helps to make this show even better.

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Head Instigator

Have you met a person who’s the jack of all trades and the master of all.

The Head Instigator himself, Timothy Kimo Brien is my special guest on this bonus episode.
He’s the host of Podwrecked, Clearly Obtuse and Create Art Podcast.
He’s also an author and visual artist. Timothy shares candidly about his battles with MS and how it influences his creativity.

S3 Ep 3 (Special Bonus Episode)

Timothy also also shatters the stereotype and the stigma of poetry, he also debunks the so called ‘writers block’ and encourages all of us to sit down and do the work. I had a great time speaking with him and I’m sure his enthusiasm and zeal will motivate you.

If you have children or your young at heart I highly recommend The Two Princesses by Timothy Kimo Brien. This is a fairytale about two young princesses who refuses to go to sleep no matter what. You could find all of his books on Kindle or on his website,

Timothy “Kimo” Brien has started his career in Poetry and Theater in 1990. He learned how to play acoustic guitar and bass guitar from his older brother Pete and tuba from his older brother Mike. Taking this into Thomas Jefferson High School he joined the school orchestra and took a beginning theater class. From there his desires to perform began. He also was stuck in an honors English class so he could take his electives and that is where he found his love of poetry, accidentally. Exposed to T.S. Elliot at that age, specifically, The Hollow Men, led Timothy on a journey of exploration. This was an accident as the class was reading one poem and Timothy was reading the one that would change his life forever.


Thank you for your continued support I appreciate you. If you haven’t done so already please buy me a coffee You can give monthly or as a one time gift at


You can follow me on twitter @poeticearthling or on Linkedin at


All music for this episode is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Laundromat and the Secret

A stranger walks among us armed with a camera to snap a picture and take our souls. The boy next door is not who he appears to be. We all have secrets some more deadly than others.

S3 Ep 2

Written by Jennifer Willis

I’m not usually into scary stories expect for the Walking Dead and I am Legend, along with a few other expectations. When I read Jennifer’s stories I was hooked right away. Her superpowers is setting the mode and pacing the story.

You could follow Jennifer on Twitter @Jennife5851998


If you like this show please show your support by buying me a coffee at

Thinking about podcasting?
Check out and enter the promotional code, First Earthling, to get your first month free.


Follow me and the show on Twitter @Poeticearthling


All music for this episode is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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