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Life Replica Part 2

My wife continues the story of how I died and how I came to life. I’m still trying to adjust to this body, while she’s trying to overcome her guilt.

Season 4, Episode 13

The best way to cope with your  inevitable demise is not to hide from it. Earthlings occupy their mind by binging on Netflix, working extra hours, taking endless selfies or getting lost in pop culture. We love distractions. 

Hollywood feeds us with endless possibilities and like the hungry hungry  Hippo we  guzzle it down. In our mind there’s no room for the thought of death, there’s more sexy things to think about.

Our brain is a glorious mansion of many rooms. If we’re bored in one we can turn the key and enter another. Death is the room located somewhere in the basement with cobwebs over the locks and chains. We seldom visit it and do our best not to think of it. 

To have a rich, meaningful and spiritual life we need to acknowledge death. What helps me is prayer, reading scriptures and writing stories.

What helps you?

This episode was narrated by Tiffany C Lewis, she’s an author and business owner of Rebel Lit. Special thanks to Alex from Time For Your Hobby Podcast who played the scientist. If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling.

Credits were read by Shawntay from

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy me a coffee at Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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Destroyer Of Worlds

I am Atom, the building block of the universe. I have been spliced and placed into a warhead. You can’t stop me, you can’t ignore me. This is my story before the world burns.

Season 4, Episode 12

They said World War 1 was supposed to be the war to end all wars. After 40 million people died in over 30 nations between 1914 and 1918 you would think earthlings learned their lesson.Unfortunately one global war wasn’t enough to satisfy man’s hunger.So they polished their tanks and planes, counted their missiles and tried again in 1939. 

About twice as many died in the sequel, credit goes to advanced tanks, submarines, Jet fighters and of course the nuclear bomb. I’m not a pacifist if thugs were trying to break into my home to hurt my family you bet I will fight. But I would not go out of my way to burn down their relatives’ homes. 

In 1945 the first nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima Japan. Thousands of ordinary citizens didn’t see it coming. A second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. They said if it wasn’t for the bombs the war would stretch on, they even said the bombs saved lives. It’s hard for me to believe that, but you may have a different opinion.

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling. Credits are read by Shawntay from 

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit while you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Boy Band Conspiracy

What if I told you that the biggest news events are never told, that the government is keeping you fat, amused  and entertained. What your about to hear is what the government doesn’t want you to hear. Are you ready to hear the truth? 

Season 4, episode 11

Despite the title of this episode I don’t believe in most conspiracy theories.These theories rely on pattern recognition and coincidences. You can move letters backwards, replace some with greek letters and spell the mark of the beast.

You can analyze a politician’s hand gestures and conclude he’s a white supremacist.

Our minds instinctually look for patterns that’s how we make sense of the world but our innate pattern recognition could result in false conclusions. Recently I was listening to a Twitter Space all about conspiracies. It was ridiculous and fascinating. The one thing I believe is that the government is trying to distract us.

Some say the boy band craze a few years ago was a calculated attempt to  divert our attention elsewhere. These groups were cleverly stitched together and made to appeal to a wide  demographic. This is just a theory, I’m not telling you to believe it.

What I do believe is that entertainment could be a distraction. How many cat videos can we watch, how much Hollywood gossip can we consume before we throw up? Perhaps the government wants to keep us fat and happy so they can get away with murder.

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling. Credits are read by Shawntay from

Special Appearance in this episode by Emily Inkpen

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Under The Dandelions

You try to move but you can’t feel your arms and legs. You try to scream but they can’t hear you. And then you hear a voice, is it an angel or your tortured conscience? 

Season 4, Episode 10

Everyday that you live your building a legacy, every moral decision will live on and affect the ones you love even the ones you don’t.

They may not make a statue out of you  or name a school after you but you will leave a legacy.

My wife said something profound the other day, “one of these children that I’m working with may grow up to be a serial killer.”

Not the most pleasant thought but She’s a childcare worker she sees their strengths and weaknesses. She’s been in the field for over 20 years.

Hopefully She’s wrong however these children will turn into adults and leave a stain or a blessing on humanity. 

The person in this story had it all: he was living the dream, with a fancy position, adorable son and a trophy wife. Outwardly he was a success.

Most of us get caught up on the exterior, we look at someone’s accomplishments and check all the boxes. We make little statues of them in our hearts. 

The interior is often neglected, seldom do we ponder on their contentment. We assume that accomplishments equals contentment while these little gods may be drowning in sorrow.

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling 

Credits are read by Shawntay from 

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

Special appearance by Timothy Kimo Brien

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Wisdom From A Spider

How can a spider change your life?

Season 4, Episode 9 (micro episode)

Also, some professional podcasters listened to my show and gave me some advice. They said I need to introduce myself and give you the listener a snippet of my credentials in order to prove my authority in the field.

It would be arrogant of me to go against the Jedi Council so here goes something.

I’m York Campbell, an author and writer of over 400 stories.I’m also a former British Intelligence officer.

I Climbed mount Everest three times and won the spelling Bee competition at the tender age of seven.I have sleep Apnea, eat gluten-free foods and was a backup dancer for Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation Tour.

I wrote rap songs in the 80’s 90s, shipwrecked off the coast of Maui, and earned brownie points for helping old ladies cross the street.

I’m fluent in over 5 languages but due to a mental relapse I could only speak one.

I’m originally from Jamaica, moved to Canada, abducted by aliens and sent back to Canada to record true stories of extraterrestrial life.

Hopefully that helped.

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

I’m also on Clubhouse, search for Poetic Earthlings and become a member.

Please listen and follow Beta Reader Bits, the new podcast from Tiffany C Lewis.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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How Steve Destroyed The world

One lottery ticket, one man’s quest for power. Click play to listen before the world burns.

Season 4, Episode 8

Everyone has the potential to turn into a monster, everyone including you. Some people may clutch their pearls and declare, “I’ll never cross that line” but given the right circumstances you may tip your toe over the line.

It’s sheer arrogance to think your above certain acts of evil, that somehow you’re immune to savagery. If we don’t guard our hearts we can all go astray. Steve was given money, power and attention. He could have used these three things to make a better world.

We may not be as rich or powerful as Steve but we are given certain traits and privileges. Too often we use them to further our agenda. What would happen if we all use these traits to help our fellow earthlings?

This may be a pipe dream since we’re living in the “me” generation. Advertising agencies and modern day  psychological theories focus on the self. We are called to care for the self and maintain a good self image.

Whenever I flip through Twitter or Instagram that’s all I see. Don’t believe me. Take a look at all the selfies. We’re obsessed with ourselves. We buy filtering apps to smoothen our skin and wait impatiently for the likes to climb.

Self has become an all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God. We should  criticize and judge people like Steve, but we should also look into the mirror. 

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling  Credits are read by Shawntay from 

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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Life Application

My beloved Government finally responded to my Life Application, is  this the end of your favorite podcaster? (Bonus Show) 

Season 4, Episode 7, micro episode

Dear Mr Campbell we reviewed your application to remain a sentient human. We review many life applications so our channel was backlogged.

Thank you for your patience. I see you filled out the 30 point questionnaire along with the 5000 word essay double spaced with your address in the top left. You even took the time to answer the bonus questions and elaborated on your privilege to live. How commendable.

I’m glad you said it’s a privilege and not a right the state should keep you alive. Most applicants complicate the matter by demanding we do them a favour. These are the narcissist, the arrogant, the mouth breathers of the planet.

The government’s responsibility is to safeguards the longevity of its citizens. We live in the age of rations, of measurements and efficiencies. Allowing every earthling to consume valuable resources will be detrimental to the planet that’s why we fashioned the Life Application.

Our records reveal you watch 5 hours of Netflix, 3 hours of stupid cat videos, and 7 hours of perpetual garbage. You possess mediocre social skills with zero return on your investment since you invested small change on relationships.

You had time to change and develop a spiritual consciousness rather than feeding on the nonsense of the underdeveloped and spending your days subservient to the hand of chaos. I guess we all make our choices.

I see on your application you posted your degrees as if education equals being a good human. Applicants often brag about their credentials and all of their stock investments.

Your ability to generate money and live comfortably is not what we’re looking for. You’re mistaking us for your previous government whose only concern was to turn a profit.

For the aforementioned reasons we have to terminate your life application. Please don’t take it personal.

Mr Campbell, do you notice the red dot on your chest, yes that red dot on your chest. We’re going to pull the trigger now, best regards: the Canadian government.

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

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Pegasus Dilemma

Something went terribly wrong in this interview. I thought about scrapping it because it’s just too weird, even my guest was ticked off and stormed out. However, there’s a lesson in the cobwebs.

Season 4, Episode 6

These days almost everything is controversial from your favorite ice-cream brand to a Disney cartoon. One word taken the wrong way could seal your fate. 

No wonder people hold their opinions to themselves, because the mob is crazy they’ll come after you with torches and pitchforks to drive you out of the village.

In my days we had thicker skin. We could tolerate or even engage opposing views. No one wanted your head on a stick.

Earthlings have become a little more sophisticated. We built tiny social bubbles with strict talking points and secret access codes. To maintain your group membership you have to render your opinions to the collective. Failure to comply will resort to  ostracization.

This story is about a mythical creature that lands in the middle of downtown. What started off as magical and almost spiritual turned into something divisive and ugly. How could this be?

Stranger things have happened. One petty incident could convert into an international scandal. Unfortunately this fictional tale is not far from the truth.

Special thanks to The Storyteller Graffiti Bleu who played the guest, Alex from Time For Your Hobby podcast who played the anchorman, and Shawntay who played the junior reporter.

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling 

Credits are read by Shawntay from 

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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This Person Does Not Exist

This episode may be fake. Every news segment and tweet is probably the same The person in this story created his fantasy, or so it seems.

Season 4, episode 5

The line between fact and fantasy is becoming more opaque. Facts are seen as oppressive and hateful. For example, the words “pregnant women” are falling out of fashion and replaced by “pregnant people.”

Pregnant women are an undeniable biological fact. My wife was pregnant and my mom was pregnant with me. Only women can bear children, this should be a noncontroversial fact. It wasn’t too long ago when this statement was without question. 

In recent times the science of female biology has been discarded to make room for people’s feelings. Science is under attack while certain pundits warn us to “trust the science”.

They even want us to trust “credible news sources.” Those sources paint a tailor made reality with the goal of adopting their worldview. Because of earthlings natural acceptance of authority figures such as the major news networks and social media, the spell is difficult to break.

What makes it more difficult is the rise of deep fake videos, images and voices. You can’t trust what your little eyes see. Technology is almost at the point that it’s nearly impossible to  distinguish the real from the fake.

It’s vital to question the dominant opinion, it’s different than some jerk who questions everything just to be a contrarian. You should question out of sincerity and not grandstanding. Asking meaningful questions will further your knowledge and help everyone to think more effectively. 

If you find this episode worthy to share please do so on Twitter and tag @poeticearthling. Credits are read by Shawntay from Special appearances by Patrice Roston from the Connoisseur Panda and Brent Stark from Most Precious Commodity

Poetic Earthlings Studio is open to edit and produce your podcast, DM @Poeticearthlings on Twitter or visit

While you’re there you can sign up for the Earthlings Report, this is our free newsletter to help writers overcome imposter syndrome and writer’s block.

If you like this show continue to show your support and buy us a coffee at

Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound 

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