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Life Flashes

Cody’s homeland is ravished by a faceless silent intruder, who moves in slow motion. The death toll rises almost undetected, unreported until now.

Season 1, Episode 13

Life Flashes is written by Don Newton please visit his  Website and check out his novels in Amazon

When I was about ten years old I almost died. I pedaled my bicycle to the top of a busy street and then I gunned it down. Most people would take their time, use caution and process the ramifications, but remember I was ten. Thinking ahead and utilizing risk analysis was a foreign concept.

The traffic light turned red. My bicycle was moving at light speed. The cars started to move. I hit the brakes but it was too late. When they say, ‘Life Flashes before your eyes’ they are right. All of my past memories flooded to the surface. Each thought was sharp, distinct.

I knew this was the end, no redo or second chances. I screamed but then I accepted it.I barrelled half way through the intersection narrowly missing the vehicles, jumped the curb and crashed into a street lamp. My bike wrapped around the pole, thankfully I survived without a scar.

Feed back

Have you had a ‘Life Flashed before your eyes experience?’ let me know on twitter @poeticearthling or leave a message at Poeticearthlings/contact

If your receiving value from these episodes please Buy me a coffee you can contribute per episode or on a monthly basis. Your gift will be used to make this show even better.Music for this episode is by Jason Shaw