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Lessons I Learned From Trump

His style and mannerism may be offensive and crude, but we can all learn something if were open minded enough to listen. Don’t worry, this is not about politics.

Welcome to the Mothership, a behind the scenes podcast for members only. This show is intended for writers and other artist who desire to go against the grain. I will explain my writing process and how I come up with new ideas.

We also discuss overcoming mental barriers such as writers fatigue, writers block and the imposter syndrome.

All episodes are unscripted as I share from my personal experiences. I will share with you my mistakes, shortcomings and victories in order to give you the tools to navigate through your creative pursuits.


To listen to all of the episodes of the Mothership you can subscribe at Buymeacoffee/Poeticearthlings and become a monthly contributor or as I would like to say, a Super Earthling.

Special Thanks

I was a special guest on the Create Art Podcast, please click on the link to listen.

Upcoming Season

Season Two of Poetic Earthlings is arriving this fall, please spread the word about the show.


To see what I’m up to when the microphone is off visit me on Twitter @Poeticearthling and don’t forget to say hello, I respond to all of my messages.