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Goldfish Suicide Letter

Life sometimes feels like a fishbowl,
you swim in one direction bump your head and swim the other way.
This goldfish had enough and decided to jump.

Season 2, Micro Episode

Goldfish’s Suicide Letter was written in a dismal time in my life.
I felt like a Goldfish in my small bachelor apartment as I contemplated the worse.

If you can relate to this story seek help, depression grows when you remain silent.

We need eachother, as the scriptures says, “man is not meant to be alone.”
And as John Donne phrased it, “No man is an Island.”


Timothy Kimo Brien is a poet, author, Podcaster and visual artist.
His show, Create Art Podcast, brings together all creative outlets and helps the listener to develop their own path.

I was a guest on his show, we had a great time talking about our favorite subject.
Please listen and subscribe to his show.

Also his book, Two Princesses, is available on Amazon.


Please continue to spread the word about this show, also you can show your support by buying me a coffee.
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All Music is licensed by Epidemic Sound