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Falling Pictures(Bonus Episode)

Micheal discovered an old forgotten picture box, each photo has the ability to warp space and time.

Bonus Episode

Written by Brent Stark from his podcast Most Precious Commodity.

I stumbled onto Brent on Twitter, noticed his podcast and hit play.
Brent is one of those high energy motivational speakers, designed and engineered for TED talks. 
I enjoy his lighthearted, down home, carefree nature and he makes you feel good after each episode.

His show talks about the concept of time, if you listened to the first season of Poetic Earthlings you will notice a similar theme.

Please subscribe to the Most Precious Commodity on Spotify or Android.

Thank You

Thank you to the writing community on Twitter, #WritingCommunity, for your comments and retweets, I appreciate you.
Brent Stark, thank you for trusting me with your show.
My queen, Valrica, for coming through on the last moment to record Lilly’s voice.


Please continue to spread the word about this show, also consider supporting this podcast on buymeacoffee/poeticearthlings 
You can give per episode or monthly. Monthly members will receive brand new remixes and other content that’s not available in the main feed.

Poetic Earthling Studios  

If you need a voice over for your short story or special project, I am available. 
I have produced over 400 podcast episodes and have worked with other writers to convert their stories into audio dramas.
Also, if you don’t have the time to polish and edit your podcast you can hire me. I will make sure your podcast is up to industry standard.

Twitter is the best place to reach me, @Poeticearthling 
You can also connect with me on LinkedIn or on my website,